Транснационални проектни состаноци:

Почетна средба

Организација домаќин: Fundacja CiM. 

Месец: 1.

Среднорочен состанок

Организација домаќин: НВО Mine Vaganti. 

Месец: 11. 

Завршен eвалуационен состанок

Организација домаќин: ECO-LOGIC. 

Месец: 23. 

Final Evaluation Meeting , 27th June 2024

Настан за обука на проектен персонал:

The event was led in Poland by Fundacja CIM with a total of 20 participants who were interested in developing knowledge, skills and attitudes related to Circular Economy, Plastic Craftwork, Tinkering and Co-creation. To raise awareness on these issues, the participants worked on theoretical sessions and workshops. JSTE aimed at providing comprehensive joint learning and exchange between the participants who were at risk of exclusion on tools and methodologies to foster Circular Economy and sustainability through art, craft and NFE methodologies by testing the Training Format. During the local workshops, it was also aimed to lay the foundation for the co-creation of the R2 activities.

Multiplier Events:

All partners successfully implemented the Multiplier Events in their respective countries to promote and disseminate the project results and outcomes. These events played a crucial role in showcasing the achievements of the project and engaging the wider community. The primary objectives of the Multiplier Events were threefold:

  1. Presentation of Project Results: Each event provided a platform to present the project’s findings and outcomes, highlighting the significant progress made and the impact achieved.

  2. Opportunity for Testimonies: Participating unemployed adults were given the chance to share their personal experiences and testimonies. This segment allowed attendees to hear firsthand accounts of how the project had influenced their lives, offering powerful and relatable stories.

  3. Stakeholder Feedback: The events also served as a forum for collecting feedback from stakeholders. This input is invaluable for refining the project’s outputs and ensuring that they meet the needs of the community effectively.

Each Multiplier Event attracted a high attendance, with over 60 individuals participating in each country. The external audience was diverse, including members of the general public, elderly adults, local and regional policymakers, and stakeholders in the fields of adult education and circular economy businesses.

Stakeholder Representation

The stakeholder audience at these events was particularly noteworthy, comprising representatives from various sectors, including:

Adult Education Institutions: Key figures from institutions specializing in adult education participated, bringing insights and expertise to the discussions.

NGOs and Associations: Representatives from non-governmental organizations and various associations were present, contributing their perspectives on adult education and community engagement.

Circular Economical Businesses: Businesses operating within the circular economy were well-represented, showcasing innovative practices and aligning with the project’s sustainable goals.

Organisations/Public Agencies for Elderly People: Agencies and organizations dedicated to providing services for adult individuals were also part of the stakeholder group, ensuring that the project’s impact on this demographic was thoroughly considered.

Through these Multiplier Events, the project not only disseminated its results effectively but also built a strong network of engaged and informed stakeholders, ready to support and enhance the project’s future initiatives.

Local Activities:

The events were led in all partner countries by all partners with a total of 30 participants who were unemployed individuals aged 45 and above, seeking to broaden their understanding and practical skills in Circular Economy and Plastic Craftworks. Local activities aimed to test the Interactive Toolkit (R2) and develop video tutorials for Result 3. The local workshops involved theoretical session on basic circular economy and plastic craftwork concepts delivered using the tinkering methodology, as well as practical sessions that helped the participants put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired

Radio Broadcasts and Newsletters

One of our project partners, Caritas Archidiecezji Przemyskiej, made a recording on “Circular Economy” in Polish language with RADIO SOVO.

You can access the recording by following this link: https://radiosovo.pl/czym-jest-gospodarka-o-obiegu-zamknietym-goz/

The Polish text on the website is below. Also, if you follow, the English translation of the page is also available below.

What is a Circular Economy (CE)?
UTW Sanok

Many waste materials can be reused multiple times.

A Circular Economy, also known as a circular model, is a system of production and consumption that involves sharing, borrowing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible. This approach extends the lifecycle of products. In practice, it means minimizing waste. When a product’s lifecycle ends, the raw materials and waste from it should remain in the economy through recycling. They can be successfully reused, creating additional value. Learn more about the program at the website – ideaerasmus.eu.

One of our project partners, Fundacja im. Braci Sołuńskich – Cyryla i Metodego, recently participated in a radio broadcast on Radio FARA to summarise the IDEA project. This broadcast provides an overview of the project, detailing the activities undertaken and the results achieved. 

 You can listen to the broadcast by following this link in Polish language: https://soundcloud.com/radiofara/podsumowanie-projektu-idea-iryna-hapii-fundacja-im-braci-solunskich-cyryla-i-metodego

You can find the 3 newletters we have prepared to announce the developments throughout the project below.

To read the rest of the newsletters whose first pages are visible, please click on them and see the entire newsletters.

We wish you a pleasant reading.